The Schultes Research Group aims at the research and conservation of Neotropical orchids. The members of the research group will have as specific objectives:


Juan Sebastián Moreno
G. Investigación Schultes
Juan Sebastián Moreno
G. Investigación Schultes

Biologist, botanist from the Icesi University in Cali with an emphasis on Conservation and Restoration of ecosystems, with knowledge and research interest in Colombian flora and its taxonomy. His research has focused on the taxonomy and conservation of Colombian orchids with more than twenty species described for science

Milton Rincón-González
G. Investigación Schultes
Milton Rincón-González
G. Investigación Schultes

Biologist and botanist from the University of Tolima in Ibagué. With a particular interest in the study of epiphytic plants in general, especially in the Orchidaceae family. Within the orchid family, he has described several species new to science and has worked in detail with the genera Ponthieva, Epidendrum, Scaphyglottis, Notylia. among others.

Sebastián Vieira-Uribe
G. Investigación Schultes
Sebastián Vieira-Uribe
G. Investigación Schultes

Executive Director of the SalvaMontes Colombia Corporation, where he works as a manager and conservationist. He has a particular interest in the orchids of the Pleurothallidinae subtribe, especially in the genera Andinia and Lepanthes. He is scientific editor of the journal of Orchideology and Species Orchidacearum.

Esteban Domínguez Vargas
G. Investigación Schultes
Esteban Domínguez Vargas
G. Investigación Schultes

Biology student at the University of Antioquia in Medellín, focused on the taxonomy of vascular plants, specializing in the Orchidaceae family. He has published several articles, described several new species and participated in field guides, such as “A park full of Orchids” from PNN Las Orquídeas. He is currently working as an editorial team for Species Orchidacearum Icones Colombianae.

Karen Gil
G. Investigación Schultes
Karen Gil
G. Investigación Schultes

Ecologist at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá. Currently a student of the Postgraduate Program in Biology with an emphasis in Botany at the University of Costa Rica and a research assistant at the Lankester Botanical Garden, where he is finishing his thesis. With particular interest in taxonomy, systematics and reproductive biology of orchids.

Nicolás Gutiérrez Morales
G. Investigación Schultes
Nicolás Gutiérrez Morales
G. Investigación Schultes

Ecologist from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, focused on the systematics and taxonomy of the Orchidaceae family. She obtained her master's degree from the Federal University of Paraná in Brazil working with the molecular and morphological phylogeny of the genus Pabstiella.

María Fernanda Valencia-Escalante
G. Investigación Schultes
María Fernanda Valencia-Escalante
G. Investigación Schultes

Biology student at the University of Tolima with special interest in the taxonomy of orchids and bromeliads. He has worked with special emphasis on the genus Epidendrum. He is currently developing his degree thesis entitled "Inventory of the orchids and bromeliads present in the Cerro Machín Volcano, Ibagué-Tolima"

Mario Alexei Sierra Ariza
G. Investigación Schultes
Mario Alexei Sierra Ariza
G. Investigación Schultes

Graduate in Natural Sciences and Environmental Education from the University of Tolima, researcher belonging to the Schultes Research Group, Ecotonos Foundation, Valle del Cauca, Colombia and the Biodiversity and Dynamics of Tropical Ecosystems Research Group (GIBDET), Ibagué, Colombia; with a strong interest in the systematic studies of epiphytic plants, specializing in the taxonomy of the Orchidaceae family.

Santiago Mesa Arango
G. Investigación Schultes
Santiago Mesa Arango
G. Investigación Schultes

Biologist from the University of Antioquia with an emphasis on taxonomy and plant conservation and with interests in taxonomy, biogeography, conservation and ecology of the Stanhopeinae subtribe.


-Species Orchidacearum Icones Colombianae 1,2,3 y 4.

-Juan Sebastián Moreno, Luis E. Baquero R., and Sebastián Vieira-Uribe. Two new species of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from the Anchicayá river valley in Colombia. Harvard Papers in Botany 25(1):99-110 

Juan Sebastián Moreno, Stephania Sandoval-Arango, Rubén Darío Palacio, Nestor Fabio Alzate, Milton Rincón, Karen Gil, Nicolás Gutiérrez Morales, Patricia Harding, and Nicolás A. Hazzi. Distribution models and spatial analyses provide robust assessments of conservation status of orchid species in Colombia: the case of Lephantes Mucronata. Harvard Papers in Botany 25(1):99-110. 

Milton Rincón-Gonzalez & Maria Fernanda-Escalante. Epidendrum machinense (Orchidaceae: Laeliinae), a new species from Colombia. Phytotaxa 435 (1): 033–040

Sebastián Vieira & Juan Sebastián Moreno. Three New Lepanthes (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) From the Alto De Ventanas Ecoregion in Antioquia, Colombia. Lankesteriana 19(2): 63-75.

Germán Torres-Morales, Cristian Castro, Yissel Rivera, Luis Romero, Martha Isabel Vallejo, Carolina Castellanos-Castro, Néstor García, Milton Rincón-González, Nicolás Gutiérrez-Morales, Santiago Guiot, María Alejandra Rodríguez, Julio Betancur, Adriana Pico-Villalobos, y Janice Valencia-D. Diversidad y estado de conservación de las orquídeas de Cundinamarca. En: Castellanos-Castro, C. y Torres-Morales, G. Orquídeas de Cundinamarca: conservación y aprovechamiento sostenible (58 – 91 pp.) Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Jardín Botánico de Bogotá “José Celestino Mutis”, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria Corpoica, Gobernación de Cundinamarca. Bogotá D.C., Colombia.

Sebastián Vieira & Juan Sebastián Moreno. Dos nuevas especies de Lepanthes (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) del Parque Nacional Natural Tatamá en Colombia. Orquideología, Medellín. 35 (2): 174-195.

 Juan Sebastián Moreno, Nicolás Gutierrez & Sebastian Vieira-Uribe. Lepanthes agatarum a new species honoring an ancient tribe from the eastern Andes in Colombia. Phytotaxa 376 (2): 89-96

Nicolas Gutierrez, Patricia Harding y Juan Sebastián Moreno. A new species of Cyrtochilum (Orchidaceae:Onciidinae) from the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia. Lankersteriana, Universidad de Costa Rica. 18 (1): 63-68.

Icones Orchidacearum. Fascicle 16 (1). The Genus Epidendrum. Part 12, 2018. EPIDENDRUM LUCEROAE J.S.Moreno, Hágsater, E.Santiago & García-Revelo, sp. nov Plate 1637.

Milton Rincón-González, Melo O., Hágsater & E.Santiago. Epidendrum villanuevae sp nov. En: Hágsater E. 2018. Icones Orchidacearum Fascicle 16 (1). THE GENUS EPIDENDRUM Part 12 “Species New & Old in Epidendrum”. ISSN 0188-4018.

– Milton Rincón-González, García-Revelo & Hágsater. Epidendrum pustulosum sp nov. En: Hágsater E. 2018. Icones Orchidacearum Fascicle 16 (1). THE GENUS EPIDENDRUM Part 12 “Species New & Old in Epidendrum”. ISSN 0188-4018.

Juan Sebastián Moreno, Patricia Harding y Luis Pina. A new species of Maxillaria, sección Maxillaria, de la Cordillera Oriental de los Andes en Colombia. Orquideología, Medellín. XXXIV – 1.

Juan Sebastian Moreno, Sebastian Vieira-Uribe y Adam Karremans. A new species of Lepanthes (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) from Colombia with a large and protruding column. Lankesteriana, Universidad de Costa Rica. 17(2):227-234



Milton Rincón-González, Boris Villanueva & E. Santiago. Epidendrum ceticaudatum sp nov. En: Hágsater E. Icones Orchidacearum Fascicle 15 (1). THE GENUS EPIDENDRUM Part 11 “Species New & Old in Epidendrum”. ISSN 0188-4018.

-Juan Sebastián Moreno, Patricia Harding. A new species of Pseudocentrum
(Orchidaceae, Cranichideae): a small but interesting genus of terrestrials orchids in
Colombia. American Orchid Society (AOS)., Lindleyana.

-Icones Orchidacearum. Fascicle 15 (2). The Genus Epidendrum. Part 11, 2016.
EPIDENDRUM HARDINGIAE J.S.Moreno, Hágsater et L.Sánchez, sp. nov Plate 1584
EPIDENDRUM POLYTHALLUM Est.Domínguez, J.S.Moreno, Hágsater et E.Santiago, sp.
nov Plate 1593

-EPIDENDRUM TOTOROENSE J.S.Moreno, Hágsater, E.Santiago et Erazo, sp. nov. Plate 1598

Milton Rincón-González, Boris Villanueva & E. Santiago. Epidendrum ceticaudatum sp nov. En: Hágsater E. Icones Orchidacearum Fascicle 15 (1). THE GENUS EPIDENDRUM Part 11 “Species New & Old in Epidendrum”. ISSN 0188-4018.

–2015-Adam Karremans & Miltón Rincón-González. 2015. & Nomenclatural notes in the Pleurothallidinae (Orchidaceae): Apoda-prorepentia". Phytotaxa 238 (2): 174–182

Address: Carrera 72 # 13 A 56 Cali, Colombia
Teléfono: +57 316 2957382

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