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Our mission

We contribute to the conservation of biodiversity and its ecosystem services in the tropical Andes through preservation, sustainable use, ecological restoration, construction of knowledge and information

Our work


 We carry out basic and applied research that contributes to the knowledge, conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and its ecosystem services

 Our research has been published in the most prestigious international and national journals

Conservation of Biodiversity

We develop and implement plans, programs and projects for the conservation of biodiversity and ecological restoration


We protect endangered species, their habitats at a local and landscape level


Governance and environmental education with community participation

Protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures

Turismo de Naturaleza

Environmental education

We contribute to the formation of a social fabric favorable to the conservation of the ecosystem, community participation, organic agriculture and Nature Tourism aimed at the sustainable management of resources and the construction of a new environmental ethic.


Ecotonos Foundation

Our focus

We carry out projects and implement actions that are in line with the major global goals and initiatives for the conservation of biodiversity and its ecosystem services, and we focus them to make them practical at the local and regional level, working with an intersectoral approach and strengthening environmental sustainability. with community participation

Support our conservation efforts through donations and partnerships, or join as a volunteer, intern, or professional.

Address: Carrera 72 # 13 A 56 Cali, Colombia
Teléfono: +57 316 2957382
Email: contacto@ecotonos.org

Fundacion Ecotonos is a Non-profit Entity
belonging to the Special Tax Regime of Colombia.
NIT: 900715100-2